Introduction to web and HTML.

In this era of social media everyone is opening browsers and visiting some web pages on day to day basis, but let’s try to understand how the web and HTML work and what is explored today. When a user types the URL for any website a request fires up from the client side to the server side (I will cover servers later in this post), the server returns the client means to your browser a response, which contains the webpage. Servers are the piece of code which is responsible for serving something which is stored in the memory, server provides folders like /var/html/www, where the webpages are stored, the first or you can say the default page served by any server is index.html, the servers look for the index.html in directories and serve it to the client.

Let’s take the example of one such popular web server Apache, it is one of the classic web servers with great features, it is an HTTP server which stores static contents like HTML files, image files, CSS files, etc. resides in the file system and index.html is served when it gets the request from the client. Now let me introduce HTML which this used to create the webpages which begin served by the servers, HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, as the form is saying it is a markup language which is the most basic building block of the web that defines the structure of the web. Let’s look at some popular tags of HTML,

• head: This tag is used for linking scripts, defining meta tags, defining the title, etc. • body: The most visible part of a webpage stays inside this tag. • h: h stands for heading tag. • p: p stands for paragraph tag.

When we visit any webpage which is under development or in the testing phase have some text like “Lorem ipsum…..”, this is text is known as dummy or filler text which does not distract the visitors from the text.